

Lehrende: Loges Nees, Thomas
Fachbereich: Musikwissenschaft
Start: 12.05.2023
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
12.05.2023 10:00–16:00 tbc
13.05.2023 10:00–16:00 tbc
09.06.2023 10:00–16:00 tbc
10.06.2023 10:00–16:00 tbc
Raum: 117

This course is open to anyone who is interested. Numbers are limited to 20 on a first-come, first-served basis.


Unbenoteter Schein Musikwissenschaft bei aktiver Teilnahme. Benoteter Schein bei Hausarbeit.

This course offers a broad introduction to Musikvermittlung. We will explore practical, hands-on approaches to communicating (about) music for a general public. We will define the range of activities which fall under the descriptor 'public musicology', including: writing programme/recording liner notes; giving pre-concert talks; leading workshops; radio and television broadcasting; YouTube tutorials; teaching in adult education; working with children and young people; and more. 

Students on this course will have the chance to develop and carry out a professional-level, fully funded Musikvermittlung project in July 2023 for the Freiburger Barockorchester.

We will consider the increasing importance of Musikvermittlung in the career portfolios of musicians, teachers and musicologists. Current research will inform our understanding of audiences as heterogenous groups with context-driven needs. Our learning materials will be drawn from a wide range of current and historical examples of Musikvermittlung.

We will collaborate with professional colleagues from the Freiburg Barockorchester and Ensemble Recherche to develop real-life, professional-standard examples of Musikvermittlung.  

Teaching languages are English and German. Teaching takes place in person, apart from online tutorial time. 

Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt. Bitte per Email Kontakt aufnehmen.


12-13 Mai, 9-10 Juni, 10-16Uhr

Additional time online by arrangement.